Town Talk: Fredericksburg Area Museum
Sam McKelvey and Dr. Gaila Sims preview the Black Arts Festival on November 2nd–at Riverfront Park and Market Square. Info on Fredericksburg History Archive, Rappahannock Recipe Roots, ...Read more
Sam McKelvey and Dr. Gaila Sims preview the Black Arts Festival on November 2nd–at Riverfront Park and Market Square. Info on Fredericksburg History Archive, Rappahannock Recipe Roots, ...Read more
Meghann Cotter previews the All Saints Day Remembrance service on the 29th at 5pm at Methodist Green. Opportunities to help the Cold Weather Shelter, happy one year anniversary to Hesed House and ...Read more
Katerina Vollten at Legal Aid Works, Joey Kirchgessner with Woerhle, Dahlberg, Yao, UMW Director of Jazz Studies Doug Gately, and UMW students Jacob and Mima. Jazz4Justice is November 2nd at 7:30 ...Read more
Justice Services Director Susan Sigmon and Executive Director Kathy Anderson. This is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. ...Read more
Curry Roberts with the Fredericksburg Regional Alliance at the University of Mary Washington and Charlie Payne with Hirschler talk about the financial impact data centers will have on the ...Read more
Director of First Year Admissions, Sarah Lindberg and Dean of Admissions and Associate Vice-President, Melissa Yakabouski talk about key filing dates, tips when applying and UMW’s Tuition ...Read more
Danelle Rose, the Tourism Marketing and Communications Manager for the City of Fredericksburg and Chris Allen with Fredericksburg Main Street talk about the opening of the new Visitor Center on ...Read more
Failsafe Re-entry Director Jim Clore and CEO Juanita Shanks talk about the difficulties encountered by returning citizens after jail or prison. We focus on the Courage to Change program. ...Read more
Children’s Theatre returns. This month it’s Willy Wonka. Oscar (Wonka), Andrea Kahane and Colson (Charlie) discuss the show. ...Read more
Keith Lebor and Cait Woodward preview Loisann’s Day on October 20th at Maury Park on Kenmore Avenue in Fredericksburg. Meat from Olde Towne Butcher. Sliders made from downtown ...Read more