Town Talk: Dave the Computer Guy/Techs in the Burg
Dave the Computer Guy talks about the scary side of computers and technology–and how to stay safe. ...Read more
Dave the Computer Guy talks about the scary side of computers and technology–and how to stay safe. ...Read more
Joy O’Toole and Sarah Smethurst preview the Rappahannock Writers’ Conference on November 5th at Germanna Community College. librarypoint.org ...Read more
Incoming Spotsylvania School Superintendent Mark Taylor talks leading a school division post-COVID. He talks learning culture, improving test scores and the possible need for new schools. ...Read more
Samantha Shoukas with an update on funding for area agencies, the hotline and getting ready for another count in January. ...Read more
Chief Ranger Jamie Leeuwrik talks about the water (Aquia Creek Potomac River) and trail opportunities at Widewater State Park in Stafford. We talk about the state park system in Virginia and ...Read more
The annual fundraiser for Legal Aid Works and music scholarships at UMW. UMW professor Doug Gately, UMW student Nathan, Joel Young with Reinhardt, Harper, Davis and Ann Kloeckner with Legal Aid ...Read more
Jason Tickle of Habitat for Humanity of Caroline County with an update on their next round of building AND we talk about affordable housing. ...Read more
From the despair of having a bronze otter stolen to the joy of having it returned, we look back at a week where the community and a number of businesses came together. ...Read more
Hospice Medical Director Dr. Adam Knudson previews the Light Up a Life Illumination. lightupalife.mwhc.com Info on the non-profit Mary Washington Hospice and their work–including ...Read more
Patrick A’hearn and Allision Mayberry talk about Ghost and the Riverside Christmas Spectacular–and preview Riverside’s 25th anniversary season. riversidedt.com ...Read more