Stafford Fire and Rescue: Monitor your Christmas tree
Stafford Fire and Rescue’s Katie Brady says keep your Christmas tree well watered this time of year. Consider taking it down if too many needles are coming off. Real or artificial ...Read more
Stafford Fire and Rescue’s Katie Brady says keep your Christmas tree well watered this time of year. Consider taking it down if too many needles are coming off. Real or artificial ...Read more
Captain Lee Peters: “For people who choose to drink and drive–we’re coming.” ...Read more
Dave the Computer Guy. Discussion on tech used to help the handicapped (Volunteers for the Blind in Fredericksburg), a high end gaming pc build and last minute Christmas laptop and pc deals. ...Read more
Scott Harris, the Executive Director of UMW Museums talks about upcoming events at Gari Melchers Home and Studio at Belmont in Stafford and the James Monroe Museum downtown. We talk about picking ...Read more
Patrick A’Hearn talks about the final days of the wildly popular Riverside Family Christmas production. (Tickets still available). Riverside is coming up on it’s25th ...Read more
2023 will be 50 years for Legal Aid Works. Ann Kloeckner with the history of the non-profit. Discussion on the need for more staff attorneys and the need for more pro bono attorneys in the ...Read more
Allison Balmes-John and Erin Perkins talk about the rise of respiratory illness and the benefits of a flu shot. Also info on how long to keep food sitting out during the holidays (not very ...Read more
Historians Pete Maugle and Beth Parnicza talk about the Battle of Fredericksburg and upcoming programs to mark the fighting 160 years ago. ...Read more
John Holden talks about the Virginia Smart Community Testbed and plans for new investment and development. ...Read more
Dan Maher talks about the increase in needs because of inflation. There’s a Turkeys and Toys Drive Thru on Saturday 10-2 at FredNats stadium. 500 guaranteed a turkey. There’s a ...Read more