Town Talk: Fredericksburg Christmas Parade
City Special Events Superintendent Heather Hughes and Chris Allen with Fredericksburg Downtown with all the info you need on Saturday night’s downtown parade starting at 5:30. ...Read more
City Special Events Superintendent Heather Hughes and Chris Allen with Fredericksburg Downtown with all the info you need on Saturday night’s downtown parade starting at 5:30. ...Read more
John Coker, Andy Lynn, Roy Strohl and Ed Evers preview the 38th Pancake Feast on Saturday. We also talk about the work of Rappahannock Rotary. ...Read more
Bobby Hebert (“Quill”) talks about Window Wonderland in downtown Fredericksburg. Between now and December 30, you can win prizes and money by answering 70 riddles–on ...Read more
Adam Blosser and Tamara Quick are members of Spotsylvania Schools Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC). What parents need to know…what they should be asking…what the law ...Read more
Janet Douberly and Christie Hoerneman talk about Giving Tuesday on the 28th and your chance to contribute to the outside work and education of Downtown Greens. Updates on the purchase of the 58 ...Read more
Erin Perkins with some of the rules for keeping your holiday feast safe. ...Read more
Jason Tickle updates the building of 20+ homes. Homes well underway in Bowling Green and Milford. Opportunities for volunteer involvement and giving financially. habitatofcaroline.org ...Read more
Maddie Reid, Von Young and Allie Names talk about the importance of Giving Tuesday–and Operation Not-So-Professional Pet Portraits. We talk about guidelines for giving a pet as a gift, ...Read more
Allison Balmes-John with the Rappahannock Area Health District talks about strategies to quit smoking. And there are helps: The Virginia Quit Line–1-899-Quit Now. Or the BABY & Me ...Read more
Rappahannock United Way’s Janel Donohue and Barbara Gustavson with Discover Next Step talk about healthy ways to handle the stress of the holidays. Prosper Mentoring–it’s a ...Read more