Town Talk-Oct 14-Languages
Rose Vilalobos with the Fred Language Learning Center. (fredlanguage.com) ...Read more
Rose Vilalobos with the Fred Language Learning Center. (fredlanguage.com) ...Read more
Kathy Anderson and Byron Glaser ...Read more
Stafford candidate for Sheriff Chuck Feldbush. ...Read more
Spotsylvania Senator Bryce Reeves–Republican from the 17th Senatorial District. ...Read more
Ned Gallaway–the Democratic candidate in the 17th Senatorial District talks about education, Medicaid expansion and redistricting. ...Read more
Michelle Featherstone with Main Street Grill and Dave Vechik with The Grille at Leeland Junction and MC Moncure talk about Restaurant Week in Stafford. ...Read more
Scott Walker and Lynda Baer of Friends of Chatham preview Plein Air Day at Chatham on October 17th. ...Read more
David Berreth and Beate Jenson from Gari Melchers Home and Studio at Belmont talk about upcoming events and some of the history behind Belmont. ...Read more
Meghann Cotter, Dave Johnson and Johnny Johnson talk about a Christian Art Festival to benefit Micah Ministries. ...Read more
Dr. Patrick Neustatter and Laura Klopp talk about the book “Managing Your Doctor.” ...Read more