Town Talk-Oct 23
Ozzy Ramos and Andy Walker talk about H.O.M.E and the Salute to American Veterans Ball. ...Read more
Ozzy Ramos and Andy Walker talk about H.O.M.E and the Salute to American Veterans Ball. ...Read more
Stafford candidate for Sheriff David Decatur (and his daughter Brittnay) ...Read more
The three candidates for Sheriff of Spotsylvania. Bill Gill, Roger Harris, Chris Dunavant ...Read more
Patrick A’Hearn and Kathy Halenda with the Riverside Center for the Performing Arts talk about Sister Act and preview Mame. ...Read more
Scott Harris talks about the James Monroe Museum. UMW student Megan Page talks about Ghostwalk. ...Read more
Dr. Michael Porrazzo, Susan Coleman and Dr. Jeff Weigle from Spotsylvania Regional Medical Center talk about breast cancer. ...Read more
Micheal Horne, Michelle Wagaman and Pam Garrett talk about The Community Collaberative for Youth and Families program on Internet Safety. ...Read more
Spotsylvania School Board member Amanda Blalock and schools social worker Michelle Swisher talk about helping the homeless in the county and the annual Camp Out, Rock Out, Knock Out Homelessness. ...Read more
Rose Vilalobos with the Fred Language Learning Center. (fredlanguage.com) ...Read more
Kathy Anderson and Byron Glaser ...Read more