Town Talk-Dec 23
Spotsylvania Board of Supervisors Chairman Chris Yakabouski looks back at 2015 and ahead at the 2016 budget. ...Read more
Spotsylvania Board of Supervisors Chairman Chris Yakabouski looks back at 2015 and ahead at the 2016 budget. ...Read more
Kurt Erickson with the Washington Regional Alcohol Program talks about local and state DUI stats, SoberRide and staying safe on New Year’s Eve. wrap.org ...Read more
Barb Cole and Lori Myers talk about Alzheimer’s over the holidays. What to look for, how to treat victims. Nat’l Hotline: 800-272-3900. ...Read more
Pat Holland with the Rappahannock Area Agency on Aging and Valerie Hopson-Bell with ElderCare Connections talk about holding end-of-life discussions over the holidays. (eldercare.gov & ...Read more
Andie McConnell with the Fairy Godmother Project. fairygodmotherproject.org ...Read more
Pat Holland with the Rappahannock Area Agency on Aging and Valerie Hopson-Bell with ElderCare Connections talk about holding end-of-life discussions over the holidays. (eldercare.gov & ...Read more
Stafford Sheriff-elect David Decatur and Outgoing Stafford Sheriff Charlie Jett. ...Read more
Donnie Tolson and Woody Van Valkenburgh on Rappahannock Goodwill Industries. Change. ...Read more
Tramia Jackson with Stafford Tourism and Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park Historian Becky Oakes talk aboout Christmas at Chatham. ...Read more
Lt Trey Jones with the Fredericksburg Salvation Army talks about kettles, Toyland and volunteering. 373-3431 ...Read more