Town Talk-September 7
Suzanne Smith with Stafford Parks and Rec talks about the Fall Festival and other upcoming events… ...Read more
Suzanne Smith with Stafford Parks and Rec talks about the Fall Festival and other upcoming events… ...Read more
Irma Clifton and Elaine Sturgeon talk about Yankees in Falmouth…and Confederates too. ...Read more
Scott Harris with the James Monroe Museum. jamesmonroemuseum.org ...Read more
University of Mary Washington President Dr. Troy Paino ...Read more
Leslie Leahy and Andie McConnell talk about the legacy of Ceili Leahy, The Fairy Godmother Project and Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month. fairygodmotherproject.org ...Read more
From the Stafford Sheriff’s Office: Senior Deputy Jason Foreman, Lt Lee Peters, Master Deputy Mike Powell talk school driving safety. ...Read more
King George Board of Supervisors Chairwoman Ruby Brabo. (At-Large) ...Read more
Mike Harvey with the Rappahannock Regional Criminal Justice Academy talks about training law enforcement and the establishment of a non-profit foundation. ...Read more
Jeff Small with Rio Car Wash and Kathy Anderson with Empower House talks about a new domestic violence shelter AND an event Sept. 17th where every purchase made at Rio will be given to Empower ...Read more
Christie Hoerneman and Craig Graziano with the England Run branch of the Central Rappahannock Regional Library. librarypoint.org ...Read more