Town Talk-July 22
Barney Riley and Devlin Richards. Rappahannock Area YMCA. family-ymca.org ...Read more
Barney Riley and Devlin Richards. Rappahannock Area YMCA. family-ymca.org ...Read more
Fredericksburg Councilman Matt Kelly. ...Read more
Central Rappahannock Regional Library-Michelle Brown and Darcie Caswell. librarypoint.org ...Read more
Oklahoma! at the Riverside Center for the Performing Arts in Stafford. Penny Ayn Maas, Matt Polson (Curly) and Jackie Raye (Laurey). riversidedt.com ...Read more
Empowerhouse–focus on equipping teens. Kathy Anderson and Sarah King. empowerhouseva.org ...Read more
Dr Brooke Rossheim–Director of the Rappahannock Area Health District talks about rabies. ...Read more
Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park Superintendent Kirsten Talken-Spaulding and Lynda Baer of Friends of Chatham. ...Read more
Lydia Dolvin and Andie McConnell on the work of the Fairy Godmother Project. fairygodmotherproject.org ...Read more
James Noll and Amy Bayne talk about the Fredericksburg Independent Book Festival on Sept. 24th. fredbookfest.com ...Read more