Town Talk-March 31
Veteran suicide–Hope and options. Summer Watson, Sheila Kirkbride, Matt Berkhouse and Jimmy Grimes. Focus on Warrior Research Foundation and the Set Condition Red Facebook page. ...Read more
Veteran suicide–Hope and options. Summer Watson, Sheila Kirkbride, Matt Berkhouse and Jimmy Grimes. Focus on Warrior Research Foundation and the Set Condition Red Facebook page. ...Read more
Dr. James Curtiss with Rappahannock Gastroenterology Associates talks about colon cancer and the need for a colonoscopy. ...Read more
!st Sgt Shaun Jones and Lt Eddie Peck with the Spotsylvania Sheriff’s Office preview Autism Awareness Day, the Heroin problem, a scholarship from the Sheriff’s Office and Operation ...Read more
Andi McConnell and Aimee Hardy talk about the work of the Fairy Godmother Project and grieving after the loss of a child. fairygodmotherproject.org ...Read more
Donnie Tolson with an overview of Rappahannock Goodwill Industries. fredgoodwill.org ...Read more
Amber Smith and Tom Carlson with the Greater Fredericksburg Habitat for Humanity preview the Blitz Build in Stafford-March 30-April 1. fredhab.org ...Read more
James Monroe High School Head Track and Field Coach Darryl Dyson and Aimee Hardy talk about Lap-A-Thon 2017 on March 25th at the JM track. Money raised will go towards naming a room at the Ronald ...Read more
Rappahannock Health District Director Dr. Brooke Rossheim with an influenza update for the region. ...Read more
Sarah Walsh on Rappahannock United Way’s free tax help. ruwfreetaxes.org rappahannockunitedway.org ...Read more
Barbara Taylor, Rita Girard and Michelle Wagaman preview “Another Day: A Conversation About Suicide Prevention.” ...Read more