Town Talk-April 24, 2017
La’Tanja Moragne, Kathy Anderson and Susan Sigmon talk about Empowerhouse in King George. ...Read more
La’Tanja Moragne, Kathy Anderson and Susan Sigmon talk about Empowerhouse in King George. ...Read more
Belmont-Gari Melchers Home and Studio in Stafford. David Berreth and Meghan Pcsolyar. ...Read more
Christie Hoerneman and Craig Graziano with the Central Rappahannock Regional Library on CRRL Con, Maker Labs and Children’s Book Week. ...Read more
6 -year old Ethan and his mom Liz Balough from Stafford and Tara Gagnon with JDRF in Richmond talk about T1D and the upcoming fundraising walk/run in Fredericksburg. ...Read more
Fred Wellman and D-D Lecky. Fredericksburg Main Street. Exciting things happening and how not be become mummified! Fredericksburgdowntown.org ...Read more
Jennifer Taylor previews the Great Train Race on May 7th. gtrfredericksburg.com ...Read more
Ceili Leahy Service Scholarship and Day of Service. Leslie Leahy, John Leahy, Katie Hornung and Marci Catlett. ...Read more
Becky Skebo-Emergency Communications Manager in Spotsylvania and Melissa Wood-9-1-1 Center Manager in Fredericksburg on Telecommunications Week. 9-1-1 Guidelines, the work of a telecommunications ...Read more
Bryan Hoffman and Woodie Walker with Friends of the Rappahannock talk about Friends of the Rappahannock ranked #5 on the list of America’s Most Endangered Rivers. riverfriends.org ...Read more
Sunshine Baseball League-Preview and Call to Action. First segment: City Councilman Chuck Frye and Brandon Katz Rest of Show: Sunshine Baseball League with Mike Zitz, Fred Jerman, Ken Rigby and ...Read more