Town Talk-Sept 5
Mental Health America of Fredericksburg. Rita Girard, Joseph Darr and Malanie Cardone. mhafred.org ...Read more
Mental Health America of Fredericksburg. Rita Girard, Joseph Darr and Malanie Cardone. mhafred.org ...Read more
Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month: Leslie Leahy, Aimee Hardy and Andie McConnell. fairygodmotherproject.org ...Read more
The Owen Lea Foundation. Deb Ellis, Wendy Moore, Randy and Karin Lea. owenleafoundation.org ...Read more
Bill Harris and Gabe Pons preview Art Attack on Sept 9th–10-4–in Fredericksburg. artattackproject.com ...Read more
Dr. Richard Fortunato-Surgical Associates of Fredericksburg. ...Read more
Chris Jones and Sue Henderson on the Fredericksburg Independent Book Festival–Sept 23rd at Riverfront Park downtown. ...Read more
Elaine and Bill Mason and Sue Henderson-“Lets Talk Arts–” Violins made in Fredericksburg. A conversation on the William Mason Violin Shop. wmmasonviolinshop.com ...Read more
Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park Chief Historian John Hennessy on monuments, the slave auction block and the story of former slave John Washington in Fredericksburg. ...Read more
Children’s Theater at the Riverside Center for the Performing Arts in Stafford. Colton Montgomery, Nina Maliszewski and Steve Thompson. riversidedt.com ...Read more
Preview of Oktoberfest in Stafford–Sept 16th at the Quantico Corporate Center. Rita Witte and Justin Patishnock with Adventure Brewing. ...Read more