Town Talk-Jan 9
Influenza. Rappahannock Area Health District Director Dr. Brooke Rossheim talks about flu in the region, the importance of flu shots and public health measures that work. ...Read more
Influenza. Rappahannock Area Health District Director Dr. Brooke Rossheim talks about flu in the region, the importance of flu shots and public health measures that work. ...Read more
Preview of the Empty Bowl–the Empowerhouse funderaiser. Empowerhouse helps victims of domestic violence. empowerhouseva.org ...Read more
Spotsylvania Senator Bryce Reeves previews the upcoming General Assembly session. ...Read more
Riverside Center for the Performing Arts and Mamma Mia! January 10-March 4. Patrick A’Hearn from Riverside and Grey Garrett (Tonya) talk about the show, the music of ABBA and those ...Read more
Spotsylvania Delegate Mark Cole previews 2018 session. Budget, Medicaid Expansion, adding lanes to I-95, gun control, Confederate Monuments and free community college. ...Read more
Fredericksburg Councilman Matt Kelly. We talk about the Lofts at Frederick Street and developing in the city. Also-transportation and the budget. ...Read more
Sunshine Baseball League. Baseball..and a lot more. Mike Zitz, City Councilman Chuck Frye, Dennis Rapkins and Ben Onguene. ...Read more
Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park Chief Historian John Hennessy talks about the art of writing–and the art of writing a history book. Some recent history books ...Read more
Aging and the holidays. What to do when you notice family is aging. Valerie Hopson-Bell of ElderCare Connections and Pat Holland with Healthy Generations (Rappahannock Area Agency on Aging). ...Read more
Bryan Hoffman and Woodie Walker with Friends of the Rappahannock. Update on Fracking in Westmoreland, the Endangered Rivers list, the river cam and becoming an FOR member. riverfriends.org ...Read more