Town Talk-April 18
Meghan Pcsolyar and Joanna Catron with Gari Melchers Home and Studio at Belmont in Stafford County. ...Read more
Meghan Pcsolyar and Joanna Catron with Gari Melchers Home and Studio at Belmont in Stafford County. ...Read more
Enjoying the outdoors with your pets. Keith Peterson, Maria Schultz and April Peterson from River Rock Outfitter in downtown Fredericksburg. ...Read more
Dayna Klein with the Fredericksburg Regional Food Bank with an update on events and ways we can assist feeding 36-thousand people in the region. fredfood.org 371-7666 x131 ...Read more
The Fredericksburg-based Failsafe-era helps former inmates re-enter society by offering education, employment, housing and transportation options. Juanita Shanks and Jim Baron. failsafe-era.org ...Read more
Preview of a Town Hall on April 18th at the Fick Conference Center on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) with Xavier Richardson, Rita Gerard and Michelle Wagaman. T ...Read more
Dianna Flett with Girl Smarts. girlsmarts.com or info@girlsmarts.com ...Read more
Rappahannock Adult Activities Horticulturist Trish Green on the work of RAAI and the Spring Plant Sale and Garden Party. The Garden Party is April 19th. The plant sale is April 20-May 5th. ...Read more
Preview of JDRF One Walk in Fredericksburg and discussion on Type 1 Diabetes with Keri and Lacy Rayford and Mary Washington Healthcare Diabetes Educator Laura Eubanks. ...Read more
John Hennessy–Chief Historian Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park. Volunteering at Chatham or around the park, Fit History Hikes, discovering something new at historical ...Read more
Terry Dougherty with the Spotsylvania County Museum. What will you see/learn? What are they still looking for? The future.. spotsylvaniamuseum.org ...Read more