Town Talk: Jan. 23
Spotsylvania Board of Supervisors Chairman Gary Skinner talks about plans to improve traffic on Route 1, VRE and Economic Development. ...Read more
Spotsylvania Board of Supervisors Chairman Gary Skinner talks about plans to improve traffic on Route 1, VRE and Economic Development. ...Read more
Mary Washington Spine and Rehabilitation with the Mary Washington Medical Group. Dr. Teresa Kerge and Dr. Bhavin Suthar. Discussion on pain management alternatives to surgery. ...Read more
Previewing Special Olympics Virginia Polar Plunge Feb. 7 and 8 in Virginia Beach. Rick Jeffrey, Matt Doyle, Abby Farley and Tim Doyle. www.polarplunge.com ...Read more
Habitat for Humanity of Caroline County. John Mahoney and Jason Tickle. Update on five homes being built and an opening for another five homes to begin later in the ...Read more
The Fredericksburg Area Museum: Volunteers, baseball and the importance of FAM members. www.famva.org Sara Poore, Jane Shelhorse and John Hennesy. ...Read more
Preview of the community celebration of Martin Luther King. This Sunday, January 19th at James Monroe High School on Washington Avenue in Fredericksburg. The Rev. Aaron Dobynes with Shiloh Old ...Read more
Sarah Walsh with Rappahannock United Way talks about the free tax service. Who it helps, how you can volunteer. www.ruwfreetaxes.org 373-0041 ...Read more
UMW’s Bill Crawley previews the William B. Crawley Great Lives Lecture Series. It runs on Tuesdays and Thursdays January 21-April 14th. umw.edu/greatlives ...Read more
Preview of the 21st annual Empty Bowl Fundraiser by Empowerhouse. Sarah Hanson and Kathy Anderson. empowerhouseva.org To volunteer: sarah_hanson@hotmail.com ...Read more
Preview of the Seed Swap in Stafford on January 25th at the Rowser Building in Stafford with Karen Brace and Tracy Blevins. ...Read more