Town Talk: Fail Safe
Failsafe Re-entry Director Jim Clore and CEO Juanita Shanks talk about the difficulties encountered by returning citizens after jail or prison. We focus on the Courage to Change program. ...Read more
Failsafe Re-entry Director Jim Clore and CEO Juanita Shanks talk about the difficulties encountered by returning citizens after jail or prison. We focus on the Courage to Change program. ...Read more
Children’s Theatre returns. This month it’s Willy Wonka. Oscar (Wonka), Andrea Kahane and Colson (Charlie) discuss the show. ...Read more
Keith Lebor and Cait Woodward preview Loisann’s Day on October 20th at Maury Park on Kenmore Avenue in Fredericksburg. Meat from Olde Towne Butcher. Sliders made from downtown ...Read more
Matt Kelly and Rick Pullen talk about data centers, moving the downtown Visitor’s Center, Mary’s Landing, Neighborhood Conservation Districts, affordable housing and local media ...Read more
New Executive Director Rebecca Purdy talks about her decision to pursue the position. Joy O’Toole previews the Rappahannock Writers’ Conference on November 9th. ...Read more
Lisa Dolan, Michelle Patton-Swisher and Rene’ Daniels preview Rock Out, Knock Out Homelessness. It’s October 18-19 at the Southpoint Walmart in Spotsylvania. Donations collected for ...Read more
Aimee Hardy previews the Josh Hardy Superhero Celebration on October 19th, 6-9pm at Strangeways Brewing on Lansdowne Road. It’s free. Donations go to the Fairy Godmother Project. We ...Read more
Dr. Eric Chang and Dr. Avinash Narayana talk about the use of robotic surgery with Mary Washington Healthcare. Both doctors say robotic surgery means quicker healing and less pain. MWHC has ...Read more
Stafford Schools are among the fastest growing schools in the state. Jason Towery and Chris Fulmer talk about the building of High School 6, Elementary 18 and Elementary 19–and the need for ...Read more
Erin Perkins and Megan Webb talk about flu shots, rabies, wells and septic systems. ...Read more